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The qualities of good firewood.
When selecting firewood there are a few things to consider and examin which will help you assess the suitability of the wood for your fireplace.
These are a few of the things to look for that will guide you towards maing the right firwewood selection.
Seasoned wood
Properly seasoned wood will give the best results. Seasoned wood will still contain about 20% moisture which will burn off in the heat of the fire.
Seasoned wood is not wet, too much moisture and you will battle to light the fire and then be rewarded with a lot of smoke.
For which purpose are you burning the wood. If it is for your fireplace the qualities would be different to that with which you would cook.
Different species of tree have different qualities and each will impact on the degree of difficulty to get the fire started, the density of the wood will also impact how long the wood will burn for.
Try not to use wood which is rare or has not been cultivated for fuel purposes. Stripping of forests is a problem because we burn the wood faster than it can regrow.
Occasionally logs need to be split in order to get the best burn out of them, you should not have to struggle to split any of the logs.
Length of burn
The length of burn and the amount of heat you get from a certain variety of wood should also inform your choice. This may take some experimenting and shuffling about of suppliers.
A reliable fire-wood company will have done the homework for you and ensured that the firewood you get meets all these criteria.
In the Johannesburg region we supply Red Saligna which meets all the criteria that make it a good wood to use in your fireplace.
Place your order for firewood. We deliver to your door.